Come Catch Me Crawler

Having a mobile little person is a whole different ball game! Time has flown by and your baby is starting to explore their environment.

  • All about crawling- the various styles, what is important, and how to encourage this new movement.  Help my Teeny Tiny is only commando crawling.
  •  How to make your home safe while still encouraging and supporting this new phase of movement – including how to safety navigate stairs safely.
  • Throwing food and other new behaviours.
  • Time for an upgrade to your books and what toys stimulate the developing mind.
  • It may also be time to start considering Early Childhood Education options,  priceless advice and suggestions of quality indicators and where to start.

Ideal to attend when your baby is between 6-10m or is up on all fours preparing to take off crawling.

Presented by Wendy Perera - Early Childhood and Movement Educator.


14 Lessons

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We're going to really focus on supporting the crawling milestone, how to encourage it, what to look for, the stages for home safety and a little bit about early childhood education options.

Development Journey

Celebrating commando crawling, bear crawling, all fours crawling

Commando Crawling

Is Commando Crawling real crawling?

Why Crawl?

Crawling Equals Brain Development

Crawling Styles

What Does Crawling Look Like?

How to Encourage Crawling

Practical support to encourage the crawlign milestone in your home

Swimming with Infants

Teaching water confidence for your Teeny Tiny

Safety in the Home

Improving conditions for your baby to thrive as they grow

Language and Literacy

Encouraging your little person to start reading


Toys that encourage movement

Early Childhood Education

What to consider when looking at early childhood education options

Words I Love

A lovely reminder for us as parents.

What Comes Next?

Next Course and How to Keep Connected

Any Questions?